Participants of the Classics A Day themes are a varied group, indeed. However they have a few common characteristics; they're convivial, interesting, and witty conversationalists. Here's a list of know participants. All are worth following on Twitter if you don't already!
operarules Paulo M is an opera enthusiast
villa_lobos Dean Frey, curator of the Heitor Villa-Lobos website.
davidlrattigan Freelance writer and creative arts professional
KeenKwok - Keen Kwok is a classical guitarist living in China
jaapvandegeer - Head of Innovation for the DOK Library Concept Center
otterhouse - Rolf, a faculty member of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and European Archive
United States
(location unknown)
angemina - Mina Bee is a "baby composer" and music student.
boysmithers - "Evil" Ed Smithson blogs about books and music at c210344, and is just starting to explore classical music.
MariamMKobras - Music teacher, author at Welcome to the Mimosa Club blog
pulitzertweets - Twittering about all things related to the Pulitzer Prize
McAllisterSax - Timothy McAllister is a saxophone soloist, performs with the PRISM Quartet, and is on the faculty of Arizona State University
delosmusic - Delos Music is a world-renowned independent classical label based in California.
lisztnut - Dale Matt is a software developer, pianist and composer (among many other talents)
whitetierecords - White Tie Records is an independent classical label that also distributes other classical labels.
TinaWRey - professional organist, member of Reynolds Associates, Inc., organ builders and maintainers
Tom_Godell - General Manager of public radio station WUKY
rebcamuse - A musicologist, performer, and writer of the highly entertaining Musically Miscellaneous Mayhem blog
UMKCCons- A staff member at the University of Missouri at Kansas City Conservatory
New York
yearofclassical - A New York City blogger who is devoting an entire year to discovering classical music through listening
NaxosMusicLib - A staff member of the Naxos Online Music Library
South Carolina
UofSCMusicLib - A staff member of the University of South Carolina Music Library
RalphGraves - Ralph Graves - composer, podcaster, president of DCD Records
WTJUClassical - Paula O'Buckley - classical music director at WTJU, nurse, opera singer and more!
drgeoduck - Geo Duck, opera lover (among many other interests)
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