Friday, September 30, 2011

#BachaDay October 2011

J.S. Bach
the father
The theme for this month is Bach. And not just Johann Sebastian Bach, but any composer in the Bach family tree. So you can listen to any of the over 1200 works by Johann Sebastian Bach.

But it also means you can listen (if you prefer) to any work by any of his sons, several of whom also were prominent composers.

W.F. Bach
the black sheep
The eldest surviving son (and the one who most resembled his father in composition style) was Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to achieve his father's greatness -- or stability of employment. Nevertheless, there are still over 300 surviving works for you to listen to (albeit not all of them have been recorded).

CPE Bach
the good son
Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach was the responsible son. His music provides a transition from the baroque to the classical period. At one time he was employed by Frederick the Great, and is directly responsible for his father composing The Musical Offering BWV1079. There are about 900 works in CPE Bach's catalog.

JC Bach
the hitmaker
Another good choice is Johann Christian Bach. JC Bach wrote more in the early classical -- as opposed to late baroque -- style, and was greatly admired by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. JC Bach was active in France and England, and is sometimes referred to as "the London Bach" (which is where the very young Mozart visited him). There are several hundred works by JC Bach for you to choose from.

PDQ Bach
 the worst
Some other sons of JS Bach were also composers, and some of their works have been recorded. And of course, you're welcome -- if you dare -- to listen to the works of Bach's last, and least, son, PDQ Bach. There are far too many of PDQ Bach's works around, and more seem to be discovered all the time. But if you want to waste your time on his music, that's your lookout.

Remember, just use the hash tag #BachaDay when you post your tweet, and include a catalog number if you think there might be some confusion as to which work you're listening to. There's a lot of music out there attached to a Bach name. Let's see how much we can sample in a month!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

#HovhanessaDay Septemvber 11 - 20, 2011

September 20, 2011

Tiny Klout Flag35 Dean Frey

Duet for violin & harpsichord, op122 - the 27sec 2nd mvt 'Haiku' is a gem- a 2004 Albany disc TROY668
Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

Listening to some of his solo piano music, like the Sonata Op. 303 and Macedonian Mountain Dances, Op. 144
September 19, 2011
Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

Listening to a few of the string quartets today, from the Shanghai String Quartet CD on Delos.
September 16, 2011
Tiny Klout Flag35 Dean Frey

Suite for English Horn & Bassoon, op. 21 -
Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

An unusual work: the Duet for Violin and harpsichord Op. 122 from 1954
September 15, 2011 
Tiny Klout Flag50 Tom Godell

Stuck at mechsnic's this AM. Lots of & listening today.
Tiny Klout Flag50 Tom Godell

Symphony 22, City of Light. Gorgeous. Celtic as well as Armenian influences.

September 12, 2011

Tiny Klout Flag36 Dean Frey

Lousadzak, Op. 48 - on a Classical Archives CD conducted by the composer

  Tom_Godell 9:21am via TweetDeck
@RalphGraves 7 is my favorite of the Symphonies on that CD. #HovanhessaDay

RalphGraves 9:20am via HootSuite
@tom_godell I'm starring with the first one on the CD. Here we go! Symphony No. 7 #HovanhessaDay

RalphGraves: @tom_godell BTW: Just received a Naxos CD w/#Hovahness Symphonies 7, 14 & 23. Those will be my picks today! 9:05am, Sep 12 from HootSuite
Tom_Godell: @RalphGraves I'm listening to the Symphonies in my collection in order. Just got to #23, by coincidence! #HovahnessADay 9:13am, Sep 12 from TweetDeck

Sunday, September 11, 2011

#HovhanessaDay September 1-10, 2011

September 9, 2011
Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

Going back to the beginning: Oror "Lullaby, Op. 1a!

  villa_lobos 11:07am via web
#HovhanessADay Cello Concerto, op.17 - one of the few early works H didn't destroy (luckily). #Naxos American Classics CD @NaxosMusicLib
Tom_Godell 7:39am via TweetDeck
#HovhanessADay Symphony 19, "Vishnu". Very majestic music.

September 8, 2011
Tom_Godell Sep 08, 3:30pm via TweetDeck
Almost forgot. Today's #HovhanessADay is the Symphony 15, "Silver Pilgrimage". The finale "Heroic Gates of Peace" is especially lovely.

September 7, 2011
Tom_Godell Sep 07, 12:10pm via TweetDeck
#HovhanessADay Symphony 14, a rather stern and severe work compared to its predecessors. Nice @naxosrecords CD.

  villa_lobos Sep 07, 12:08pm via web
#HovhanessADay Ode to the Temple of Sound, op. 216, on a Frost SO Centaur CD cond. by Chung Park CRC2954 @NaxosMusicLib - Mysterious music!
RalphGraves Sep 07, 10:04am via HootSuite
#HovhanessaDay Thanks to Naxos, I'll be listening to Guitar Concertos 1 & 2 by Hovhaness today. #classicsaday

September 6, 2011
Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

Giving the underperformed (even for Hovhaness) Magnificat a listen.

Tiny Klout Flag50 Tom Godell

. Symphonies 6&7. Few classical works more enchanting that 6. The 7th is a more challenging work for band.

September 5, 2011

Tiny Klout Flag50 Tom Godell

Having a laid back Labor Day, listening to Hovhaness Symphonies 3&4 with .

September 3, 2011

Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

Tiny Klout Flag51 Tom Godell

Tiny Klout Flag35 Dean Frey

Tiny Klout Flag35 Dean Frey

Tiny Klout Flag48 The Wagnerian

September 1, 2011

Tiny Klout Flag34 Delos Music

Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves

Tiny Klout Flag51 Tom Godell

Tiny Klout Flag51 Tom Godell

Tiny Klout Flag13 DCDRecords

Tiny Klout Flag42 RalphGraves